Premature Junctional Complex

A narrow QRS complex that arrives distinctly earlier than expected can be a premature atrial complex or a premature junctional complex (PJC). A PJC can be preceded by an inverted P wave, no P wave (timing places the inverted P wave at the same time as the QRS – effectively burying the P wave), or even an inverted P wave after the QRS complex. The causes of a PJC are often unknown but can be related to catecholamine levels (higher epinephrine due to anxiety, fatigue, infection, pain, etc.), toxicity (digitalis for example) and ischemia.

sinus bradycardia, HR 54/min, ST elev 3 mm, PVC, PJC

1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 203

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The SkillStat Team

  Six Second ECG Intensive Six Second ECG Mastery 12 Lead ECG & ACS 12 Lead Advanced



Any Six Second ECG Course

12 Lead ECG & ACS

Time Frame

8 hours (1-day Course or 2 evenings)

20 hours 3-day Course

8 hours 1-day Course

8 hours 1-day Course






Completion Card
Exam and Certification
SkillStat 2U-able
Reference materials included
Dynamic ECG rhythm interpretation
Static ECG rhythm interpretation
Clinical Impact Mapping
Acute Coronary Syndromes Overview
Acute Coronary Syndromes In-Depth
ST Segment & T Wave Differential
Identify Bundle Branch Blocks
15 | 18 Lead View Mapping
Electrical Axis
R Wave Progression
Left Bundle Branch Blocks with ACS
Atypical Findings
Acute Non-Ischemic Disease Conditions
Special Cases

•-included;     ○-reviewed