Ventricular Conduction System

The specialized bundle branches and Purkinje network facilitate rapid conductivity. The bundle branches and Purkinje network are composed of Purkinje fibers, specialized cardiac cells that are tailored for fast conductivity. These rapidly conducting cells carry the impulses through connective tissue, reaching contractile cardiac tissue at the distal ends of the Purkinje network. This encapsulated electrical network is extremely efficient, rapidly carrying a depolarizing wave throughout the ventricles.

The ventricles’ electrical system is exceptionally efficient. To produce a forceful, coordinated contraction, the electrical wave must travel quickly through the large ventricles.

With the atria, only one wave is propagated. Via the bundle branches, this impulse is split into at least three simultaneous waves, thus reducing the distance each wave must travel. Less distance equates to less time. As a result, the time taken to depolarize the ventricles is reduced considerably.

Note that the speed of contraction translates directly into the force of contraction. The faster that the ventricles can depolarize and subsequently contract, the greater the force of contraction. A greater force of contraction increases both stroke volume and cardiac output. Force of contraction is referred to as contractility.

We established that an electrical wave envelops the ventricles very quickly IF the bundle branches and the Purkinje network are utilized. This is comparable to getting off the back country roads and racing down the freeway. The rapidly conducting bundle branches could be called the Autobahn of the heart.

Where is the only location to ramp onto the Autobahn of the heart? Remember that the bundle branches are largely encapsulated in connective tissue. The impulse must have travelled through the bundle of His to arrive at the bundle branches (the Autobahn). This is the only entry point to the Autobahn.

Where are we going with this? If the impulse travels through the bundle of His, then it originated in either the bundle of His or above the bundle of His (i.e. the AV node, the atria or the SA node). Simply stated, for a rapid wave of depolarization to envelop the ventricles, the impulse must originate above the ventricles.

A QRS complex represents ventricular depolarization. An ECG is the graphical representation of the electrical activity of the heart, with the horizontal axis (width) of the ECG being a measurement of time. A narrow QRS then equates to rapid ventricular depolarization, taking very little time. A narrow QRS, then, occurs when the impulse originates above the ventricles.

Consider for a moment an ectopic impulse originating in the right ventricle. Instead of three simultaneous depolarizing waves, one wave depolarizes the right and then the left ventricle. Of course, more distance is covered by the one wave, taking more time. Instead of the Autobahn, the wave travels the back country roads. With more time taken for ventricular depolarization, a wide QRS results.

When interpreting an ECG, the location of the originating impulse for each beat is quite important. In fact, the naming of most cardiac rhythms begin with the site that the impulse originated. For example, a rhythm that consistently originates from the sinoatrial node is called a sinus rhythm. If a beat originates from the AV junction, it is called a junctional beat.

Therefore, based on what we know about the QRS and the speed of depolarization, a narrow QRS occurs with supraventricular rhythms. A wide QRS complex is commonly associated with ventricular rhythms. This is perhaps the most important step in identifying cardiac rhythms. Is the QRS wide or narrow?

Asking the question, “Is the QRS wide or narrow” is an important step in ECG interpretation. A narrow QRS occurs when an impulse that originates from above the ventricles travels down the rapidly conducting bundle branches to depolarize the ventricles.

Figure 3.1 The Heart’s Electrical Pathway

A wave of depolarization normally begins with the SA node. This electrical wave from the SA node passes quickly across the atria, through the AV junction (the AV node and the bundle of His) then across the ventricles via the bundle branches and the Purkinje network.

1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 50-53

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  Six Second ECG Intensive Six Second ECG Mastery 12 Lead ECG & ACS 12 Lead Advanced



Any Six Second ECG Course

12 Lead ECG & ACS

Time Frame

8 hours (1-day Course or 2 evenings)

20 hours 3-day Course

8 hours 1-day Course

8 hours 1-day Course






Completion Card
Exam and Certification
SkillStat 2U-able
Reference materials included
Dynamic ECG rhythm interpretation
Static ECG rhythm interpretation
Clinical Impact Mapping
Acute Coronary Syndromes Overview
Acute Coronary Syndromes In-Depth
ST Segment & T Wave Differential
Identify Bundle Branch Blocks
15 | 18 Lead View Mapping
Electrical Axis
R Wave Progression
Left Bundle Branch Blocks with ACS
Atypical Findings
Acute Non-Ischemic Disease Conditions
Special Cases

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