Physical products are shipped to anywhere that FedEx, USPS and UPS deliver. Standard shipping within North America is included in the price of the product. Prices are set out when ordering your products. If circumstances require us to alter or adjust upwards the shipping price quoted at time of ordering, we will contact you for your approval.
We take all reasonable care with packaging and shipping and ensure all goods are in perfect condition whilst in our possession. Once your goods have been dispatched, we cannot nor do we accept any responsibility or liability for loss or damage to your goods. This includes bent, scratched, broken, damaged, water or chemical effected items.
Overseas orders usually attract an additional surcharge relating to packaging – we shall advise you whether this applies to your order and provide you with a cost upon receipt of your order.
Allow up to 2 weeks for delivery from date of submitting your order. Orders are usually delivered within 1 week under normal circumstances.