Ventricular Escape Complex

In the absence of nodal activity, sinus node or AV node, the ventricles can serve as a backup pacemaker at the much reduced rate of 20-40/minute. These complexes occur after the expected QRS complex and are called ventricular escape complexes (VEC). This slower rate, while far better than asystole, rarely provides enough blood flow for the body. Signs and symptoms of shock are likely. The ventricles are considered an unreliable pacemaker, with the possibility of failure at any moment. The provision of an electronic pacemaker – temporary, transvenous, or permanent is often required.

Successive ventricular complexes are called a ventricular escape rhythm, idioventricular rhythm, or simply a ventricular rhythm. Don’t forget to tack on a heart rate to the rhythm name to help establish the possible clinical impact.

sinus arrhythmia, HR 60/min, ST elev, non-conducted PAC, VEC and movement artifact

1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 116, 208

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Our new 12 Lead ECG SIM Deck is active!

We're planning a scheduled maintenance period.

Our website will be unavailable on Wed, Oct 16, 2024 starting at 8:00pm (PDT). We anticipate this will take about 1 hour.
Thank you for your understanding.

The SkillStat Team

  Six Second ECG Intensive Six Second ECG Mastery 12 Lead ECG & ACS 12 Lead Advanced



Any Six Second ECG Course

12 Lead ECG & ACS

Time Frame

8 hours (1-day Course or 2 evenings)

20 hours 3-day Course

8 hours 1-day Course

8 hours 1-day Course






Completion Card
Exam and Certification
SkillStat 2U-able
Reference materials included
Dynamic ECG rhythm interpretation
Static ECG rhythm interpretation
Clinical Impact Mapping
Acute Coronary Syndromes Overview
Acute Coronary Syndromes In-Depth
ST Segment & T Wave Differential
Identify Bundle Branch Blocks
15 | 18 Lead View Mapping
Electrical Axis
R Wave Progression
Left Bundle Branch Blocks with ACS
Atypical Findings
Acute Non-Ischemic Disease Conditions
Special Cases

•-included;     ○-reviewed